Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well, I'm here

It is I, Ashley.

I'm not too sure what I'm doing here.
I know some friends that have a blogspot, so of course I followed their path.
But if they jump off a bridge, I most certainly won't follow (unless they have a bungee chord)

Before you wonder yourself to death, I'll answer your question.
My name on here is Cobra. Why?
I'm not really sure.
it has so many stories behind it.
and eventually I may just tell them all. Maybe a fun fact every blog.
look forward to it!

I've been debating off and on if I should get an account on here.
Afraid of judgement, or that I wouldn't be interesting enough for people to read my blogs.
Sometimes I have ideas of what to say but it never really comes out that way.
Maybe some friends of mine would form a new opinion about me after reading these posts.
Or maybe someone I don't know will judge me before they know half of the story.
And after giving it some thought, I realized......I don't care.
That's it. Plain and simple. I don't care.
I'm me, take it or leave it. Not everyone's going to like me, right?
of course not.
I guess that's how I've always looked at things.
Sometimes people become someone they're not without noticing it themselves.
Society forms their opinions and dumps it on everyone, telling you

"you have to be like this. or else everyone will turn on you. you'll be an outcast. no one will like you. so just listen to us, and everything will be just fine"

When the truth is, it never really is fine.
Beautiful women become people you never would have imagined.
Intellegent men will make terrible decisions and make it harder on everyone else that probably know what they're doing.
At least that's what we all seem to think.
That we know what we're doing. When in reality only about half of us actually do.
And I'll admit it. I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know why I'm here. Or why I'm talking about this.
But that's just who I am.

And I think with that, I'll conclude this little blog.
So weather you read it or not, and weather you agree with it or not.
All I ask of you, is to be you.
Don't let others make you think differently about yourself.
Because you're awesome.

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