Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So I realized my last blog post was posted when I was running low on sleep.

and when I run low on sleep I tend to over think things and change subjects more often than usual.

So HAHA! Here I am again.

I don't plan on making this a daily blog thing. I just felt like I should reintroduce myself to this

I mean I've blogged before, but I haven't in a while. I love typing and maybe that's a curse sometimes because I tend to write mini books and throw myself out there probably more than I should xD

moving on

Right now Star is rubbing her back againest my chair
making noises. Actually I kinda like that. haha she's so cute.
I dunno where I'd be if I never got that dog when I did.
She totally changed my life and helped me in ways a human couldn't.

Have you ever wondered why people love animals, specifically dogs so much?
I think it's because of the things they don't say.
and what they don't do.

Humans are capable of destorying a person with words and actions.
Well...dogs could too but I doubt they'd do much damage when it comes to words.
Dogs look up to you like you're amazing, and go along with pretty much anything you come up with.
And when you live with me, I come up with things alot.

lol I live in a typically boring house, with tons of games, yes. but I've played them, overplayed them, and played them some more until they're unappealing to me.

So, I have my dogs to play with when I don't feel like being bothered by humans.
they're sort of my escape.

I did some shopping today.

Not so much shopping, I just went along for the ride.

It's nice to get out of the house every now and again.

In the Meijer's parking lot there was a guy who was moving carts and he stopped to take a breather leaning on a train of carts while me and my grandpa watched.

We noticed the guy fell asleep....

yeah. he fell. asleep. standing up.

it was the most amazing thing I've seen lmao

okay maybe not, but it was pretty cool.

he's like, hardcore.

I didn't have my camera. I wish I did.

Which reminds me, I got a 4 gig memory card today.

1700 picture capacity ftw :]

"My name is Cobra"

Fun fact #1: Once I was bowling with some friends. and the bowling shoe brand said "Cobra". I said "Hey, sweet" because I love snakes.

That day I bowled really awesome. 3 strikes in a row, new record for me.

Everyone changed my bowler name to Cobra that day, because I got so many strikes.

I probably have about 6 reasons why my name is Cobra. but that's one of them.

I hope you're doing well.

I can't wait for s u m m e r

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