Sometimes you hear people say that the person they trust most is the person they thought they could never trust. Or the person they love is someone they once hated. Or even the person they could go to the most is the person they thought they'd never get a chance to speak to.
I finally understand that now.
I have a friend that's always there for me, even when I'm not in the mood for her to be there.
She gets on my nerves, and we're always fighting or arguing about something pointless.
She's like my sister, in a few ways. she's crazy, sometimes self centered and she holds grudges forever.
she physically and verbally abuses me, but in the end I love her more than any friend I've ever had.
we have the kind of relationship that we never leave each other behind.
when one of us is in a relationship, or on vacation, or with other friends we're always in contact.
we never leave the other out of situations and always filling each other in on our lives.
we show each other respect when the other asks for it, and even when we get into a fight it's usually easily resolved.
When I first met her I didn't like her. I acted like I did, just so my other friends wouldn't think I was rude.
but once given the chance to sit down and talk with her, I realized we have alot in common.
but at the same time, we're completely different.
we're not afriad to tell each other when the other is being a bad friend.
like, ignoring the other by paying more attention to someone else.
or walking off without the other, etc.
and we're also not afriad to tell each other when the other is making bad decisions, or doing something far too crazy.
we've gotten into alot of trouble together, and often drag each other in the middle of the other's drama.
our families basically adopted each other, and we're hanging out as much as we can.
I'm thankful to have her in my life, and I hope she's a life long friend.
So Hannah, if you ever read this
I love you and everything you do.
You believe in me and give me a sense of accomplishment.
Don't ever leave my side.