Saturday, May 30, 2009

Carnival of Guilt

My good friend Danny wrote this, and I thought it was so amazing I had to share it.
He said I could, so here is his work "the Carnival of Guilt"

I was greeted well enough at the door, Giving my ticket to the clown. I saw attractions by the score, Still, none seemed to slow me down.
I heard laughter all around me, Yet, I felt a silent jeer.
No, it didn't take me long to see- I was not welcome here.
Heads were turning, eyes were burning, Suddenly, all laughs were gone.
Only silent glares and my stomach, churning In repulsed fear, pushed me on.
I walked faster, yet so did they, What this horde wanted, I did not know.
Running to the nearest door on my way, I found myself at "The Freak Show".
Sneaking backstage, in hopes to hide, I saw a two- headed man in a fight- Against himself, each head taking a side, And neither side was right.
Both looked at me, without words being said, Each pointing their given hand to a door.
Smiling, as if somehow my thoughts they read, They knew what I was here for.
Walking inside, with what I saw- Thought, defunct, my human eyes.
Though inside I was struck with awe, I tried not to show surprise.
A four legged woman walking- With a man who had no legs at all, Living, loving, laughing and talking- As if he stood ten feet tall.
A bearded lady singing, soft in tone- To a man with two noses.
A man so skinny he looked to lack bone- In the mirror, practicing poses.
I stood, amazed, at the shapes he took, As my misdirected thoughts ran.
It seemed he could make himself to look- Like anything but a "normal" man.
As if sensing my questioning mind, A boy approached, beginning to speak.
Saying, "Stay, safely, here awhile, you will find- The answers that you seek."
I looked down, seeing each arm without hand, But pinchers like a lobster, instead.
He said, "There's things the world won't understand- That can be grasped, here, full- fled. "
He gestured to a snake-skinned man- And said, "Beauty, truly is in the eye. Viewed by the world, a charlatan, Won't you give the magic mirror a try. "
So I stepped over and took my view, Beheld a man without a face.
It was suddenly so clear, I knew- I had finally found my place.
And every night people stop just to stare, And maybe we raise their self-esteem.
Some pity us, thinking it's not fair- Some think we're just here to scheme.
But I recall the other side, I know- What leads you to jeer and jilt.
And what you see as "The Freak Show"- Is just your carnival of guilt.

Monday, May 18, 2009

You're special to me

I have alot of friends that I'm very thankful for. I've noticed lately that I want to keep everyone in my life right now, and I can't stress it enough.

four people come to mind right now, that are my friends and they know that I care about them.
But I don't think they really understand how special they are to me.
So I'm going to take this moment to tell you personally how much I care.
In person I could never say this, because I'm the type that always jokes around and can't hold a serious moment for the life of me.
But I feel this needs to be said, just so you know that I'm your friend. and I value you as a person.

Jessica F: Jessica, when I first met be perfectly honest I didn't like you. I wasn't a very social person when we first met so I didn't like alot of people at the time. it took me forever to make friends and get to know people or have them get to know me. We slowly started talking in 06 I believe it was. But it wasn't until late 07 and 08 that we really started becomming friends.
I think in the beginning of 09 I realized how much I really care for you as a friend, and how you're one of the few people that put up with EVERYTHING about me.
and I mean everything, even sometimes when I get carried away with jokes or make embarrassing references, you stick by me.
I can't tell you how much I really value you in my life.
I know we all need a friend that can put up with everything about us, but that person is usually pretty hard to find. Luckily I have a few people that can put up with everything about me, but you in particular put up with absolutely everything.
I'm so glad we're as close as we are now. and even when you move, I know we'll still be the best of friends.
Thanks for letting me know you won't be far.

Cassie: when we first met I never talked to you. the occasional "Hi" the in the Explorers hallway was about as far as we got for the first couple years I knew you.
After I started becoming friends with Jessica, I noticed how much we really have in common.
Sarcastic comments and witty comebacks is basically what our friendship was based on.
Improv comedy made me realize this, and ever since I've been trying to find out more about you. Now I consider us pretty good friends, and I'm glad to have you.
You're the kind of person that can be funny, sarcastic and caring all at the same time.
You always seem to understand where people are coming from, even when you don't agree with them.
You're an awesome person to hang out with, and I know when I'm really feeling sarcastic I have someone in my corner to make snarky remarks with haha

Nate: Okay, so we're always joking around. lol that's pretty much all I do. I've known you about 3 or 4 years, and I think within all that time I never really talked to you either. I think we started talking around 07, but that was a rare occasion.
we had a "you go your way and I'll go mine" type thing goin on back then.
In 08 we started hanging out more, we talked more and I got to know you a little better.
I thought it was cool because in our TLC groups, alot of the girls annoyed me, and I just needed a change of conversation.
Of course there was some "confusion" twords last summer, and people started to hang out less and talk less. But once everything cleared we became friends again, and it was like nothing ever happened.
I consider you one of my best guy friends, in all honesty.
Even though sometimes I can be a creeper, and annoying.
You don't talk much to other people, but sometimes when we are all hanging out and having a good time I feel like you're much more comfortable with us.
And I wanted to let you know I appreciate having you as a friend in my life at this current moment in time.

Christina: Technically I knew you for a while, but I never really...knew you.
All I knew you as was "Nate's sister" for the longest time. But after we finally met I realized you're probably one of the most down-to-earth girls I've met in quite a while.
You always speak your mind, when you wanna say something you'll say it.
You're comfortable with who you are, and who you're becoming. and I respect that. More girls need to be like that.
You always have an honest opinion, and a great sense of humor that can make me smile.
You go along with alot of the jokes I make, and you make me feel like I'm one of your only friends even when we're in a group of people.
You always make people feel special. and that's an amazing quality.
You're beautiful, outgoing, and a great person.
I'm glad to have you in my life and to have you as someone to count on.

I felt that I should let these people know how special they are, because maybe sometimes all you need is to hear that someone was thinking of you.
I'm glad to have you guys in my life, and even though I have alot more people that need to be mentioned in this blog, I just wanted to stand you out from the others.
I want you all to know that I'd do just about anything for you.
when you need someone to talk to, I'll be the one to pick up the phone (or text. cause that's how I do thangs lol)
You can always count on me, and come to me without judgement.
You'll always have a place in my heart, and no matter where life takes you, you'll always have me.
I want you all to remember that.
You will ALWAYS. have me. weather you like it or not!

haha, okay this is long enough.
thanks for reading :]